Thanks for learning with us!

It's an honour to learn and lead with you. We're so curious to see how you apply your learning in the coming weeks, months and years! Please keep in touch as you continue your development as facilitators.

— Kevan & Krystal (your facilitators)

Can you give us some feedback?

We're always looking to improve what we offer. Can you let us know how that experience landed with you?

Deepen Your Learning

Learning facilitation is a journey — one that involves developing your own signature style, taking uncomfortable risks, putting yourself out there in front of people, and dealing with the full range of human emotion.

To support you on that journey, this page is yours to keep — use it as a launchpad for continuing your learning!
It contains many resources, classes, tools, links and materials that can help you along the way.

Steal the material from this session

  • Full agenda in Session Lab
  • Original slide deck
  • Mentimeter contributions

Explore some of our on-demand classes

As part of this learning experience, you're welcome to enroll on's online classes.
You can take on your own time, maybe if summer is quieter, are they all about facilitating change.

Read the book on Co-creation

Our 65-page ebook, "Co-creation: A guide to facilitating change" is available to you, too. It contains a deeper look at the mindsets, methods, and model of co-creation, as well as a candid, authentic reflection about the resistance we face leading this way in our organization.

Download it here.

Try the design thinking canvas

We created this as a tool to help practitioners like you plan a whole design thinking flow, for use with teams, communities or projects.

Download the canvas and find the full instructions here.

Explore the toolkit:

Creativity & Human Centered Design

Facilitation & Hosting

Sprints & Workshops

Google Design Sprint Guide
by Jake Knapp

Podcast: The Way we Co-Design
by Domain7 (Part 1 & Part 2)

The Co-Design Workshop:
The Facilitators Pocket Guide
by Domain7

Workshop Exercises 

These sites are a goldmine for finding specific agendas and activities.


Methods and Tools
by Hyper Island

Web Tools

Powerful, understated tools are a facilitator's secret weapon.

Session Lab: For collaborating designing and planning agendas (also includes resource library)

Mentimeter: For live, interactive input from participants

Howspace: For AI-powered, asynchronous group contributions 

Equity & Ethics Considerations

Your questions!

How can you develop design thinking and analytical solve problem skills in our team members when you are dealing with pragmatic people?

In a sense, all these tools are extremely pragmatic. What's the easiest way to achieve group consensus? Develop innovative ideas? Break through a disagreement? Facilitation is an extremely pragmatic skillset, and saves countless of hours, days, weeks, months otherwise wasted solving the wrong problem. Invite them to see the pragmatic value that design thinking brings. 

Plus, pragmatic people are beautiful. They help us stay grounded and anchored, they help us implement, and they help us think realistically. That type of thinking is welcome and necessary! Especially at the right spot. Try exploring Edward De Bono's "Six Thinking Hats" — it's a way of helping name the type of input you're looking for. Pragmatic people tend to see the dangers/risks (the "black hat") or the information/facts (the "white hat"). At what part of the process would it be good to get some black hat or white hat perspectives? Knowing the answer to that can help you involve them at the right time.

We need many, many diverse ways if thinking of we are going to navigate the future well. We need not diminish the value of one way of thinking over another. We need to welcome pragmatic and creative folks into harmonious partnership, to get the best of our paradoxical ways of seeing the world.

How to narrow down which strategy to use for storyfinding/listening? (i.e. interviews, circle practice, world cafe)

Lovely question.

Size of group or community is a helpful filter: A community-organization with under 100 people might do well with something like World Cafe. A larger community, like a city, you'd probably want a survey. A smaller group, 50 or less, you could do circle practice with. 
Group objective is another helpful filter: what are you trying to achieve? 

Kate Sutherland's book "We Can Do This!" as well as adrienne maree brown's "Holding Change" offer some helpful frameworks for determining what your group needs. 

How do you best encourage participation and engagement in virtual sessions?

  • Give people time to reflect: At least three minutes to think through a question is helpful.
  • Allow people alternatives to public speaking: A tool that allows text input is helpful.
  • Set the tone in advance: A welcome email or video can go a long way.
  • Anchor the meeting with a clear intention: Invite people to engage — better yet, have them co-create a social charter
  • Try music: Reflective music can sometimes allow the space for productive quietness. It allows people to think, purposefully, instead of sitting in awkward zoom silence.
  • 1-2-4-all: From Liberating Structures, this methods invites you to move from individual reflection, to pairs sharing, to small group sharing, before asking somebody to share in front of the whole group.
  • Don't exceed 3 hours
  • Don't have any one presenter talking for more than 15 minutes straight
  • Design a session that is driven by user participation! Less content, more questions.

How can we integrate this design thinking process into TIG’s culture?

Find where there are moments or teams that need collaboration and imagination — start there.

We're here to help!

Learning facilitation is a lifelong learning journey. I'd love to help you any time you need a hand. Drop me a note anytime at and we can set up a time to chat through any collaboration and co-creation challenges you might be facing.
Kevan Gilbert founder and lead facilitator
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