That was Day 1 — thank you!

The way you showed up, to offer genuine dialogue, reflection and questions was incredible. Let's get you set up for an even better Thursday, and released to practicing the tools within your organization. 

— Kevan & Krystal (your facilitators)

1. Can you offer us some feedback?

After each session we design and host, we're asking ourselves: how did that land? Your input helps us ensure that the experiences we co-create are impactful and effective. 

2. Download the resources from today's session

Get the slide deck:
All the frameworks we walked through, and questions we asked, and the answers you gave.

Download it here.

Dig into the Toolkit

Creativity & Human Centered Design

Facilitation & Hosting

Sprints & Workshops

Google Design Sprint Guide
by Jake Knapp

Podcast: The Way we Co-Design
by Domain7 (Part 1 & Part 2)

The Co-Design Workshop:
The Facilitators Pocket Guide
by Domain7

Web Tools

Session Lab: For collaborating designing and planning agendas (also includes resource library)

Mentimeter: For live, interactive input from participants
Howspace: For AI-powered, asynchronous group contributions 

Equity & Ethics Considerations

Dig in to the foundational content

Learn more about co-creation on your own time, online.
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