A mini-class on design thinking

Design thinking is a process of applied, creative problem solving, that can equip any community that is seeking a new way forward through crisis or complexity. If you’re ready to start co-creating change with your community, this free mini-class will point you in a healthy direction. (Comes with a complimentary guide to using the design thinking double diamond.)

Duration: 30 minutes
Cost: Free (with account signup)


Gain a clear (or refreshed) understanding of the design thinking process. This quick class avoids business buzzwords and needless jargon, while staying centered on community listening.

Explore the double diamond to gain an understanding how listening, synthesis, problem-framing, ideation and testing fits into the process.
Hear empowering stories of communities that have found transformative ways forward by applying these practices. 
Find a more equitable, inclusive, community-powered way to approach design thinking. Learn how to avoid extractive and disempowering practices.
YOUR instructor

Kevan Gilbert

Kevan Gilbert is a sought-after facilitator, thought leader, speaker and strategist. He is an inclusive leader who creates spaces for people and organizations to transform through listening. Kevan is a practicing facilitator and educator at
Patrick Jones - Course author

Our values


For healing to occur, we must learn to work together. This starts with us.


The future will not be created by solo practitioners. It will be co-created by communities of people sensing and responding to what is emerging. 


Love is not irrelevant to organizational life. It is essential. We believe in designing love-based systems. 


Crafting resonant, safe, and brave spaces for people to learn and connect (with themselves and others) is an essential act of hospitality.


We are all co-learners. Everyone has something to learn, and something to offer. 


We strive for what is equitable and empowers all to flourish. We commit to dismantling oppressive systems and creating the conditions for all to rise.


Creative risk, connection, and healing is only possible when there is safety present. We work to foster the psychological safety that promotes bravery.
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