Are you trying to develop your own practice as a facilitator, co-creator, or collaborative change-maker? We’ve been there, and we know it’s not easy. A few challenges we’ve encountered along the way include:
We often carry an uncertainty that what we have, and who we are, isn’t enough. It’s normal to feel uncertain, uncomfortable, and unprepared for leading in unconventional ways, and it can take encouragement and support to move forward with courage.
Getting familiar with the practices and processes of co-creation takes time. Whether learning the theory or experimenting with new tools, it takes repeated practice, often supported by others, before we can stand on our own two feet.
We occasionally face resistance and challenges from bosses, partners, friends, and acquaintances who are not yet open to co-creation. Finding ways forward in these relationships can be quite challenging.
Generations of habits have accumulated that work against co-creation. Pathways of dominance, oppression, hierarchy, and authoritarianism are encoded in many businesses, organizations and governments.
Wherever you are on your journey, a supportive, experienced partner can be a huge benefit. This is where a coach comes in.