An innovative social housing development model for faith communities

Affordable housing partnerships, with Co:here Housing
Co:here was created after a church in Vancouver noticed its parking lot was underutilized, and decided to band together to turn it into community-conscious affordable housing. 

Sometimes, you find yourself stewarding “an idea whose time has come” — and Co:here realized this transformation didn’t need to be a one-time occurrence. They recognized that many churches find themselves with both parking lots and social missions, that housing in Canada is in dire need of innovative solutions, and that Co:here might have a role to play in connecting some dots.
Co:here and partnered together to help the board of this evolving organization shift its focus.
First, with some of the original churches that were working as partners, helped them develop their visions and concepts for transformation, to ensure their own congregations, budgets and missions were aligned and in sync.
Then, working directly with the Co:here board, helped dig into the options for evolution: renewing their mission, vision and values to help them reorient to this broader opportunity. 

Co:here is currently on the pathway of rebranding, rehiring and reorienting towards its shift into being a collaborative development consultancy, focused on helping faith-driven communities adapt their physical assets into affordable housing, and remains a supportive partner behind-the-scenes helping unstick conversations and encourage the work to stay purpose-powered, community-centered, and creatively-infused.

“I'm so grateful for the work both of you have done with Co:Here over the years both in organizational visioning and with our clients. has brought so much energy, have really "got" our mission, our clients have really appreciated you and it's been tremendously fun!”
Rebecca Pousette,
Executive Director, Co:here
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